My Home Is Your Home, Or Is It?


Students will make maps of their homes and maps of outdoor habitats to learn how and where things get the components they need for survival.


Supplemental Reading

A House is a House for Me By Mary Ann Hoberman

Even an Octopus Needs a Home By Irene Kelly

Grade Levels:

K 1 2

Curriculum Correlation:

NCSCS - Science
K.L.1.2, 1.L.1.1, 1.L.2.1, 1.L.2.2

NCSCS - Social Studies
K.G.1.1, K.G.2.2, 1.G.1.2, 1.G.2.2, 2.G.2.1


Habitat Images (see Teacher Resources)
Notebook paper
Pens, pencils, or crayons


30 minutes


Indoor classroom space and Outdoor Study Area


1. Split the class into small groups and hand out Habitat Images, or some you’ve created. (Have you ever seen a place like this?) Have the groups list what they see in the picture (What did you discover?) then compare it to what the other groups listed about their photos. (How is this the same or different from Group X’s photo?)

2. Ask the students to draw a picture or map of the inside of their home, being sure to include all the things they need in their home. If they get stuck, guide them with questions like- where does their food come from, where do they get water from, where do they sleep?

3. When the maps are finished, gather the group to talk about what they included in their drawings. Possible discussion questions may include:

  • Is your sleeping space on a different level from your food? When does this happen in nature? *Think of a forest with layers – canopy, sub canopy/understory, ground level.
  • How many places can you find water in your home? How far do you have to travel to get there?
  • Do you have a special area just for games, toys, or TV? Do you think animals have an area like this? *Animals may need a certain amount of space in their habitat to allow for play or for basking and rest.
    Now explain that there is a word used to describe where plants and animals live and get their food, water, shelter, air, and space to grow and move—Habitat.

4. Next have the students visit a natural outdoor space and draw what they see. Have them label sources of food, water, shelter or cover, and space that various plants and animals might use. Use can reference a specific example like a bird, squirrel, or nearby tree to get them started.

5. Have the students compare the outdoor habitat to their habitat. This can be done using a T-Chart or Venn Diagram. Discuss differences and similarities among the two homes with the students. Summarize the discussion by emphasizing that although the habitats are different, every living thing needs a home.


1. Look at a neighborhood or city map that includes places like the school and grocery stores. Have the students draw circles around the communities that share resources (See here for example). To make a map of your area use Acme Mapper at

2. Students can select a plant or animal native to North Carolina to research and draw its habitat. Write a paragraph to describe how the habaitat meets the survival needs of the plant or animal.

3. Create a song or poem that highlights the components plants and animals need in a habitat.

Learning Targets:

1. Summarize the basic needs of plants and animals for energy and growth.

2. Give examples of ways humans depend on their environment to meet their needs.

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