Project OWL is Flying Your Way!
In October of last year, Project OWL was added to the list of approved workshops for Criteria 1 credit in the North Carolina Environmental Education Certification Program! This means that we are able to serve classroom teachers AND non-formal educators by providing professional development opportunities that are aligned with NC Essential Standards for Elementary Education.
Project OWL has also been continuing to seek college students in Elementary Education programs withing the UNC System. To date we have worked with students at Western Carolina University, Appalachian State University, and have Spring 2019 workshops planned for UNC-Asheville students and East Carolina University students. These workshops are also open to non-formal educators in these regions and will take place at The NC Arboretum, Cape Fear Botanical Gardens in Fayetteville, and A Time For Science in Greenville, NC.

Science Methods students at WCU preparing to play Park Ranger.
Photo courtesy of Rich Preyer, TNCA
And to celebrate one more great accomplishment, Project OWL was able to co-present at the NSTA Regional Conference in Charlotte, NC in November alongside Project EXPLORE, another NC Arboretum initiative. It was a great experience to be on the national level and to meet teachers from around the country who are looking for more ways to incorporate their natural world into their classroom world.
This spring Project OWL is looking forward to working with a committee of teachers from around Western North Carolina to edit the activities and to write new ones. We plan to feature activities that incorporate physical sciences and EE, as well as improve the cross-curricular activities to better align with the NC Pacing Guides. Stay tuned for updates as we add new opportunities for Outdoor Wonders and Learning!